Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Gospel and The Lies We Beleive

This post is part of a series that will apply the truth of the Gospel to lies I believed. The greatest jewel we could possibly have is the Gospel who is Jesus Christ. As such, I believe some of the greatest lies we believe are about the Gospel. When we believe them we make the jewel dull and ordinary. We make the Gospel much less then what it is. This is my attempt to name some of those lies, so that the beautiful facets of the Gospel may shine through the darkness of the lies we believe.

Lie #2: "Sin is Just Doing Something Bad"

A lie is good when it contains a bit of truth. Sin is certainly doing "bad" things, but that is only the surface of what sin is. Sin is also NOT doing something right when you know you should have. Still, this is only dealing with sins that are actions. Sin is also evil thoughts, but that is still not the full ice berg of sin. Sin is a layered disease that is only revealed in the world's most disgusting atrocities. Sex trafficking, abuse and ignorance of the poor, murder, racial hate - these are but the reflections of a wicked heart. However, what makes a heart wicked? It is selfishness - pride.
If that is the case then sin is so much more then doing bad things. Did you know you can do the right thing and still be sinning? Even the most dedicated philanthropist can boast about how much he is giving to the poor. Humble people can desire in their hearts that people stop and recognize how humble they are. Yet, it does not stop simply with the actions. If I'm struggling with gossip chances are my problem is not telling secrets or making things up. Trying really hard not to gossip only fixes the symptom. My problem is that I want to be the center of attention and since I have nothing to say I make something up. My problem is not trusting in the security of God's adoption and falling prey to my insecurity as a worthless sinner. I need to repent of my selfishness and trust in the value God places in me and I will stop gossiping.
Consider the nicest person you know who does not know Christ. They may be polite, generous, humble, and even think and feel in their hearts that they are no better then anyone else. However, at the end of the day they would be forced to merit their entire personality to themselves. Even if that person wanted to give credit to their parents, friends, or mentors the problem still remains: they haven't acknowledged God.
God is a jealous God for a reason. He doesn't want Glory because he is selfish. He wants it because he knows its the best thing for you. If a really really nice person decided to jump off a building would you say, "You don't really need to stay on the roof, because your such a nice person." At least that really really nice person would have their independence as they passed the windows of the building they just jumped from. Regardless of what you have heard from Hollywood movies that is not deserving of an Oscar - this is faith in something other then God. It is good old fashioned pride. This is so crucial to understand, because we cannot simply treat the symptoms of sin. We must treat the source: the human heart.
For years I said the right thing, did the right thing, and acted the part when I didn't feel like doing either. In the end, I sucked the joy from doing the right thing. Why? There were lots of reasons, but they all boiled down to "It didn't go my way." Pride. Then, I was stubborn enough to believe I wasn't sinning simply because I was doing the right thing or at least something that was good. I'm a sinner. Anytime I say sin is just doing something bad I've lost what that means and more importantly I've lost the depth Jesus went to save me.

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