Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thanksgiving: The True Great Banquet

I love thanksgiving. Roasted turkey, sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top, the Macy’s Day Parade, a pick-up game of football, and the feeling that snow is on its way are a few of the things I enjoy on Thanksgiving. For some of us, we have so much to be thankful for that we can’t stop smiling when we think about all that we have. For others, maybe this is a time where being thankful is the opposite of how you feel, because quite frankly it is hard to see what there is to be thankful for. For others, maybe celebrating Thanksgiving won’t be the same this year because you can’t go home, or you wouldn’t want to even if you could. For some of you, maybe affording a Thanksgiving meal is too much of a luxury. Whatever our circumstances are these holidays, we need to know that God is throwing a Thanksgiving banquet party and you, yes that means you, are invited. The main course is God’s love and all the rules of being polite and getting too full are out the window. A starving person does not use silverware when he is presented with a plate full of food; he stuffs his face. Likewise we should do the same with God’s love. In our sin, we were starving to death, but God saw fit to still love us and rescue us by giving his son Jesus. You can come to the table and have your fill of God’s love and yet never be full. In our culture, the difference between a need and a want can sometimes get blurred, but isn’t it great to know that God is more than we need and we don’t have to feel guilty for wanting him too much. God’s love satisfies and yet we can never be too full from it. I know that sometimes I give excuses for not coming to God’s table. Sometimes I become more interested in all the things I have that I forget about what can never perish. Sometimes I let dire circumstances dictate how I feel and instead of running to God for rescue I would rather starve to death in my sorrow. Sometimes I can’t believe I’ve been invited to the table because of what I’ve done. Sometimes I even wonder if God’s love is enough to fill me. Yet, the promise that God has invited us to a great banquet that will satisfy our souls still remains and is not dependent on how I feel. I have tasted and seen how great the Lord is and I never want to leave the table. God is throwing a Thanksgiving feast. Won’t you come to the table and Give Thanks?

Check out Luke 14:15-24 and Psalm 34:1-10

1 comment:

Heather said...

great stuff John! i love how we can never get enough of God :)