Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Fruit

We as evangelicals often confuse the results of using spiritual gifts with spiritual fruit. For example, a thriving ministry that has great worship and great preaching may attract a crowd, but the people leading that ministry could be completely devoid of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. We, as ministers of the Gospel, can vocalize justification by faith all the while functionally acting as if we believe justification by ministry. The success of ministry can fall prey to what we think God thinks about us. "If God uses me then I'm good, but if my ministry goes in the tank then something is wrong between me and God" is the way we often can feel. If we do not see spiritual fruit in our own hearts God may be working in spite of us instead of in us and through us. Don't sacrifice the fruit of the Spirit on the altar of ministry success. Don't let the fear of smallness, obscurity, and potentially suffering drive you away from the path of the cross. Embrace the cross. There you will find real fruit instead of pictures of fruit taped to dead trees.

Check out Tim Keller's message:
The Grand Demythologizer: The Gospel and Idolatry (Acts 19:21-41)


Cheri LeFevre said...

Yes, indeed. Surrendered at the foot of the cross is our only means to bearing good and lasting fruit. Thanks for the insight!

Slingshot and a Stone said...

This is so strange, my women's study group just finished the Book of Galatians and we talked about the fruit of the spirit. Even more coincidental is that I had a "confrontation" with someone who said some very hurtful things to me, and God reminded me of of what I just learned about the fruit of the spirit. It helped me steady myself.